Project Active Rubber

Recycled Rubber Waste

Project Active Rubber has a unique process whereby, by means of high-pressure water jetting, the rubber from End-Of-Life rubber products (such as tracks) is sprayed off the steel and, after drying, is presented in powder form for purchase.

The material we recycle is fully reused, including the steel. The rubber powder is suitable as a raw material for new rubber products.

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Collection of EOL rubber products

Sale of rubber powder

Parc Active Rubber

Contribute to a better environment and reuse rubber raw materials

Through our unique recycling process, we have been able to commercially and economically recycle rubber tracks into a high-quality rubber powder that can be fully reused.
A process was devised for this in which the rubber is sprayed off the metal under high pressure. The advantage of this technique is that it does not require additives.


Only pure water is used.

Our contribution to the environment

Both saves scarce resources and reduces CO2 emissions.

180 korrel 300

How it works




What it saves

Circular reuse of rubber provides a significant reduction in CO2 emissions compared to burning and compared to the use of virgin materials.
